is a special time for me. It is a time of introspection and mathematics: As I
look inwardly at myself, I often add and subtract a few necessities. It kicks
off with Ash Wednesday, a solemn day for me and my denomination and it will end
on the eve of Easter.
Phil and I will - on Ash Wednesday - be making ashes available at the north end of
the Frankford Terminal beginning at 6:00 am for the early morning commuters. Ash
Wednesday is an opportunity for those who are separated from the Christian
Church to return.
forty days of Lent are days of introspection when we delve deeply into
ourselves through subtraction by fasting and rest, as well as days of addition,
when we add study, service, and prayer specific to the season to our
read, and pray the Daily Office every day, which guides me to lessons which
focus on the Lenten themes of the church; in theory, as I pray the Daily
Office, I am praying alongside Christians of every denomination, but especially
Episcopalians and Anglicans, who follow the daily office. Historically Anglican
clergy have been required to pray the office every day, yet in recent years,
this has dropped off the required list to the encouraged list for the North
American province of the Anglican Communion. In the Episcopal Diocese of
Pennsylvania, some of our clergy have forgone the Daily Office to participate
in the Bishops Bible Challenge, developed and encouraged by the leadership of
St. Thomas Church, Whitemarsh.
think it is difficult for those of us who serve others every day of our lives
to come up with new ways to serve others during Lent. What I try to do is be
more deliberate about the why I serve my neighbors, rather than the pro forma, this is what I do, mentality.
If I think through and pray through what I am up to during Lent, it is very
helpful and encourages me to dig deeper in my life and improves my world view.
I add a reading for Lent; this year I’ll be reading Richard Haas’ A World in
Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order, published by
Random House in 2017. As one who is highly interested in creation
theology it is always important for me to keep up on how the people on earth
interact with each other, as we continue to be involved in God’s creation through
at the least, the dominion that God gave us.
I also
fast; this year I only wanted to eat produce that I grew myself in my
aquaponics system, but I did not plan early enough to make that happen. So this
Lent, I am focusing on increasing my produce yield to enable me to be self-sufficient
for the fifty days of Easter; we’ll see how that goes.
I pray
my prayers every day and continuing with special Lenten intentions is a good
I hope
that you have a holy, inspiring, and life-giving Lent and that the forty days
may be for you and those around you, an inspiration.
and blessings,
Jon +
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